Chemistry 104A


Advanced Inorganic Chemistry


Fall 2014


Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 -11:00 am; 106 Stanley Hall


Professor Peidong Yang

239 Hildebrand

Tel: 643-1545


Office Hours:

Tuesdays 1:00 - 3:00 PM


Teaching Assistants:


Kelsey Sakimoto;, Wednesday 4-5pm, 106 Latimer (Bixby Commons)

Dandan Zhang;, Tuesdays 6-7pm, 106 Latimer (Bixby Commons)

Fan Cui;, Fridays 5-6pm, 106 Latimer (Bixby Commons)


Voluntary Session: Monday 5:30-7:30 PM in 180 Tan (Starts Sept. 8)


Alternate Session: Thursday 6-8 PM in 141 McCone (Starts Sept. 11)


Voluntary Session Leaders by Topic:


Atomic Structure, Symmetry & Group Theory (Fan, Dandan)

Bonding and Molecular Orbital Theory (Kelsey)




This course is intended primarily as an introduction to inorganic chemistry for undergraduate students. Topics covered will include: atomic structures, periodic trends, symmetry and group theory, inorganic solids, molecular orbital theory, molecular structure, acid-base chemistry, and band theory. Completion of a general chemistry sequence (chemistry 1B, 3A or 4B) is prerequisite.


Problem sets (6): 10%

Exam I: 25%

Exam II: 25%

Final Exam: 40%


Miessler, G. L., Tarr, D. A. Inorganic Chemistry,5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2014.

DeKock and Gray, Chemical Structure and Bonding, 2nd Ed., University Science Books, 1989


Others: (on reserve in chemistry library)

Vincent, Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, Wiley, 1977

Cotton, Wilkinson, and Gaus, Basic Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, 1995

Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, Wiley, 1990

Douglas, McDaniel, and Alexander, Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, 1994

Huheey, Keiter, and Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed. HaperCollins, 1993

Shriver, Atkins, and Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, W. H. Freeman, 1990

Porterfield, Inorganic Chemistry, Academic Press, 1993

Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Ed., Wiley, 1998

Greenwood and Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, Butterworth Heineman, 1997


Course Schedule

Class will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 - 11:00 am in 106 Stanley Hall.

Topics and Readings

MT = Miessler and Tarr

DG = DeKock and Gray



Atomic Structure

1. 08/28 Introduction, Atomic Structures [MT 1,2, DG 1]

2. 09/02 Dual Nature of Matter, Schrodinger's Equation

3. 09/04 Atomic Energy States, Term Symbols

4. 09/09 Periodic Trends [DG 2 (1-10), MT 2 (3)]


Symmetry & Group Theory

5. 09/11 Symmetry & Group Theory [MT 4, Vincent]

6. 09/16 Symmetry &Point Groups

7. 09/18 Symmetry & Group Theory

8. 09/23 Representations of Point Groups

9. 09/25 Application of Group Theory

10. 9/30 Review for Exam #1

*note: Voluntary Sessions will resume Thursday, 10/09 (the following Monday will repeat the same material)* 


11. 10/02 Exam #1


Bonding Theory

Molecular Orbital

12. 10/07 Valence Bond Theory [DG 2 (11-14), 3 (1-5), 4, MT 3 (1)]

13. 10/09 Valence Bond Theory (same slides as previous lecture)


(optional) Discussion Section Notes

14. 10/14 Molecular Orbital Theory [DG 4, 5, MT 5]

15. 10/16 Molecular Orbital for Diatomic Molecules


(optional) Discussion Section Notes


16. 10/21 MO theory

17. 10/23 MO Theory


(optional) Discussion Section Notes


18. 10/28 Review for Exam #2


19. 10/30 Exam #2

*note: Voluntary Sessions will resume Thursday, 11/06 (the following Monday will repeat the same material)* 


20. 11/04 Acid-Base Chemistry [MT 6]

21. 11/06 Main Group Chemistry & MO [MT 8]


(optional) Discussion Section Notes


22. 11/13 Main Group Chemistry (same slides as previous lecture)


(optional) Discussion Section Notes


23. 11/18 Solid State Structure [MT 7, DG 7]

24. 11/20 Solid State Structure


The last planned discussion/voluntary section will be 11/24.

(optional) Discussion Section Notes


25. 11/25 Solid State Structure

26. 12/02 Solid State and Band Theory

27. 12/04 Solid State and Band Theory


Above are the grade assignments for the 6 problem sets and 2 midterms. The grades are indexed by the last 4 digits of your student ID. Please check that we have not made any clerical errors. Any errors need to be brought to our attention before Monday, 12/15. Yet unclaimed problem sets and midterms can be picked up outside of 315 Hildebrand.

In addition to regular office hours during the RRR period, we will be holding two review sessions for the final exam.

The first will be a planned review covering salient topics of the course, as well as practice problems. Tuesday, 12/09, 106 Stanley, 4-6pm.

The second will be a question and answer session. Sunday, 12/14, 120 Latimer, 2 pm (room reserved until 6 pm).


(optional) Final Exam Review Notes


Final exam (Exam Group 7: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2014, 1 LeConte, 3-6P)